Official Price Guides
The Official Price Guide to Old Books
by Marie Tedford and Pat Goudey
House of Collectibles, Inc., New York. June 1994. Trade paperback. 365 pages. (5¼ X 8). Introduction by the authors. Seventy pages on collecting are provided before we come to the price guide. The books are listed alphabetically by title when there are no listed authors. Then, it is alphabetically by author and by title. A range of prices is given for each and seems to cover both hardcover and paperback. An example would be: Bloch, Robert, Terror, NY, 1962, 1st ed, paperback... $15–$20. Most of the time, the publisher of the book is not listed. Probably out-of-date at this time.
The Official Price Guide to Old Books & Autographs
Second Edition
by William Rodger
House of Collectibles, Inc., Orlando, FL. 1979. Trade paperback. 376 pages. (5 X 8). The author provides much information on collecting books. In fact, the actual price guide doesn’t start until page 191. The first section could stand alone as a separate book. The author covers a large number of very old books, with details on some of the more expensive items. There is a short section on autographs at the end of the book. Very much out-of-date at this time. Only of interest for the buyer of old price guides.
Official 1983 Price Guide to Paper Collectibles
edited by Thomas E. Hudgeons III
The House of Collectibles, Orlando, FL. 1983. (Second Edition). Trade paperback. 592+ pages. (5½ X 8). Introduction and many articles on paper collecting. Price guides for books, comic books, magazines, etc. Very useless in today’s market.
The Official Collector’s Price Report:
Comic Books, Paperbacks, Magazines 1984 Prices
edited by Thomas E. Hudgeons III
The House of Collectibles,
Orlando, FL. 1983. Trade paperback. 243 pages. (5¼ X 7).
Introduction and material on comics by the editor. Comics are given a price
range and most issues have descriptions of their contents. The next section
covers magazines, with Life Magazine, Playboy, and TV Guide
getting the most coverage and attention. Paperbacks are given an introduction.
Titles are listed by author and then by title. There doesn’t seem to be any
pattern on which ones to include; for instance, there are none by Fredric Brown
or Agatha Christie. The next and final section covers science fiction. It is
separated between hardcover and paperback. A number of covers are shown, but
aren’t represented in the listings. Only for the completist collector.
All Scans and Commentary by Bob Gaines